Martin is a lifelong runner who began wearing minimalist shoes over 10 years ago when he found they alleviated his chronic foot pain, which eventually disappeared completely. He further studied proper running form through a series of workshops taught by Correct Toes inventor, Dr. Ray McClanahan DPM. Martin has collaborated with several health care professionals to collect and share peer-reviewed studies that show the benefits of minimalist footwear. In his personal life, Martin loves living in the Pacific Northwest because it allows him to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities year-round, including hiking, cycling, rock climbing, surfing and snowboarding.

  1. Shoes of the Dead! Celebrating Día de los Muertos in Style

    Shoes of the Dead! Celebrating Día de los Muertos in Style

    We have a special treat in the workshop for this year's Day of the Dead festivities. Local artist Diana Rose hand painted the leather pieces for a pair of our Merry Jane shoes before they were sewn together. Her artistry features two caballero skeletons outlined in white stitching and decorated with patterns inspired by the work of Frida Kahlo. The...
  2. Toasted Marshmallows May be the Coziest Moccasins EVER!

    Toasted Marshmallows May be the Coziest Moccasins EVER!

    Earlier this year, we came across a photo of Albert Einstein sitting on his front porch wearing a very fluffy looking pair of slippers. While we smiled at their goofy and adorable appearance, we couldn't help thinking they also looked incredibly warm and cozy. After all, Einstein was pretty smart, so if he thought they were a good idea... (function(d...
  3. Soft Star 2015 Halloween Contest - Win Shoes to Match Your Child's Costume!

    Soft Star 2015 Halloween Contest - Win Shoes to Match Your Child's Costume!

    Halloween is right around the corner, and that means it's time again for our annual Halloween contest! It's simple... have your child draw a picture of his/her costume and our fans will vote for their favorite. The winner will receive a free pair of our design-your-own shoes to match it, shipped in time for Halloween! Scroll down for more details...
  4. The History of Softstar: 30 Years of Shoemaking [INFOGRAPHIC]

    The History of Softstar: 30 Years of Shoemaking [INFOGRAPHIC]

    IT'S BEEN 30 YEARS! Last month, we celebrated Soft Star's 30th anniversary by taking the whole staff to Oaks Amusement Park in nearby Portland, Oregon. The festivities are still underway at our workshop as we prepare to release our new chukka shoe. This week, we're excited to share our latest creation: a timeline of Soft Star's history, starting from humble...
  5. Softstar Shoes Celebrates 30 Years of Shoemaking... with Lots of Playing!

    Softstar Shoes Celebrates 30 Years of Shoemaking... with Lots of Playing!

    Believe it or not, it's been 30 years since Tim and Jeanie Oliver sold their first pair of Softstar shoes in 1985. This is a big anniversary for us, especially at a time when we're preparing to mark another milestone by moving to a bigger workshop. It's definitely a far step from the old school bus the Olivers once used...
  6. NO the Band Rocks Out in Shiny Soft Star Shoes

    NO the Band Rocks Out in Shiny Soft Star Shoes

    Who can say NO to Bono?  True story: a handful of talented young musicians ran into U2's Bono one day, handed him a demo CD and an hour later received a phone call from him saying he liked their music and thought the word "NO" would be a great band name. Hence, NO the band was formed, and they've been...
  7. New Shoe Coming Soon - Help Us Pick a Name!

    New Shoe Coming Soon - Help Us Pick a Name!

    We're getting close to the release of our new chukka-style shoe, and from all the emails and comments we've received we know you're as excited about it as we are! Our designers are cranking out prototypes for testing and finishing up the final tweaks. We're right on track for an early fall release, but we've hit a common stumbling block...

Products 78 to 84 of 250 total
