Trish has been an entrepreneur, marketer and maker ever since she crushed her first lemonade stand at age five. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, she spent many summers running barefoot with her sisters. These early memories later inspired her to build a brand which embraced the joy and freedom of childhood with the health and science of minimal footwear. Trish relishes evolving the company to grow stronger and more competitive with each passing year. She is a frequent expert panelist for both e-commerce and entrepreneurship conferences. Trish enjoys spending time with her family, dogs and ducks on their property in Oregon and loves the proximity to both surf and snow. She has a background in Engineering Physics and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

  1. Back to School Shoes! Give Your Child a Healthy Start

    Those lazy, barefoot summer days are coming to an end—time to shop for those back-to-school shoes. No doubt your kids feet have grown quite a bit (again), but getting a larger shoe should be just part of your checklist. Leading children’s podiatrists agree that choosing the proper footwear for your kids is a decision that will impact the lifelong health...
  2. Survey Response Overwhelming!

    Thanks to all of our customers who took time last month to respond to our survey! We were overwhelmed with a response rate of over 70%!! In addition, many of you were very passionate, offering rich, detailed feedback in the open-ended comments. We literally have a "book" of comments that we have been pouring through, and really feel very honored...
  3. Cute Baby Shoes!

    One of the best parts of Soft Star Shoes is making the "Design Your Own" shoes-- it is so fun to see the neat ideas our customers have! I couldn't resist sharing this photo of one of my recent favorites-- a pair of mix-matched, smooth leather moccasins designed by a local customer for her new Grandson. No problems mixing up...
  4. Grandpa is Visiting!

    Tivi turned 3 this weekend-- and as a special treat, her Grandpa "Yoda" came up from Texas to visit. (Yes, our family is into odd nicknames.... more later.) Today he is here in the workshop helping finish shoes. Tim would normally not relinquish this task to just anyone , but Grandpa Yoda used to be an avid leather crafter. He...
  5. Being an Elf

    Hi , I'm Elf DeAnn, I came to Soft Star Shoes in Oct.2000. When I started we were in the old barn that is now an upcomming condo. We've come along way baby:). But, back to the barn. There was charm , cute little shoes and a very nice crew. This made for a very nice work environment, and then...
  6. Happy Fourth

    It was a pretty successful Fourth of July... lots of family, friends, outdoor fun, and great BBQ's. Summer is definitely in full swing. Kahlil seemed to enjoy spending time with his grandma, grandpa, uncle and other family. He did lots of crawling and flirting and for some reason his naps were a little longer than usual. The special Fourth of...
  7. Waterproof Mocs?

    There has been a lot of excitement lately about two new moccasin styles we just introduced: The Rugged Roo and the Taz. Both moccasins feature our new T-Rex soling - a rubberized, water resistant material. The Taz has the added feature of extra T-Rex on the toes and heels. We've been asked a couple of times over the past week...

Products 148 to 154 of 158 total
