Trish has been an entrepreneur, marketer and maker ever since she crushed her first lemonade stand at age five. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, she spent many summers running barefoot with her sisters. These early memories later inspired her to build a brand which embraced the joy and freedom of childhood with the health and science of minimal footwear. Trish relishes evolving the company to grow stronger and more competitive with each passing year. She is a frequent expert panelist for both e-commerce and entrepreneurship conferences. Trish enjoys spending time with her family, dogs and ducks on their property in Oregon and loves the proximity to both surf and snow. She has a background in Engineering Physics and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

  1. Congressional Seal of Approval

    Planning a visit to Washington, D.C. in the future? Newly open is the Capitol Visitors Center - an underground facility located under the east front end of the plaza which provides a "welcoming and educational environment for visitors to learn about the unique characteristics of the House and the Senate as well as the history of the U.S. Capitol...
  2. Exercises for Happy Feet

    Coleen Schwartz is a certified Pilate's instructor with a passion for healthy feet. In addition to her doctorate in Podiatric medicine, she does national lectures with the medical community about the use of Pilate's in rehabilitating feet. This week NPR produced an excellent short video with Coleen on stretches and strengthening exercises for your feet. Updated 11/17/14: Unfortunately, the NPR...
  3. Minimal Shoes for Maximum Health

    Softstar running mocs after 60 miles of running on asphalt Tue Jepsen is a 26-year-old runner from Denmark with a passion for minimal shoes. When Tue called last month for some Softstar Shoes to test out the Elves were happy to send him a pair. He ran over 60 miles in the shoes and loved them—a high compliment given the minimal...
  4. Soft Star Mocs can Improve your Gas Mileage!

    Yes - really. Strange but true. "Hypermilers" are groups of people fiendishly devoted to improving their gas mileage - sometimes by 2X simply by changing their driving habits. NPR has a fun audio report you can listen to (click here) where passionate hypermileage devotees to all extremes of rolling through stop signs, avoiding hills, eschewing heat/air conditioning and installing miles-per-gallon...
  5. Soft Star in May Issue of Parents Magazine

    Soft Stars make it into the Parent's magazine "Goody Bag" once again! The May issue shoes a red elastic classic shoe adorning a very cute "Easy Rider" model. We love red shoes in general - but this moon & star combo is one of our perennial favorites and we were glad to see it show up here. To see all...
  6. The Rouge Elf Laughs...

    Today the "Rouge Republican Elf" had the last laugh. Earlier today we sent out an email to our customers about May specials (click here to view coupons and specials) and in it we always link to our blog articles, including the one below about Presidential shoes. In it, I made the mistake of taunting our Republican co-elf. (Larkin usually edits...
  7. Presidential Shoes! Obama, Clinton and ???

    Oregon presidential primary elections have started! In Oregon we vote by mail - very cool. Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton are popping up all over the state - and the elves decided to make them each a pair of Soft Star sheepskin moccasins to have cozy feet on their campaign buses. Here is a size 13 for Senator Obama, and...

Products 92 to 98 of 158 total
