Trish has been an entrepreneur, marketer and maker ever since she crushed her first lemonade stand at age five. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, she spent many summers running barefoot with her sisters. These early memories later inspired her to build a brand which embraced the joy and freedom of childhood with the health and science of minimal footwear. Trish relishes evolving the company to grow stronger and more competitive with each passing year. She is a frequent expert panelist for both e-commerce and entrepreneurship conferences. Trish enjoys spending time with her family, dogs and ducks on their property in Oregon and loves the proximity to both surf and snow. She has a background in Engineering Physics and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

  1. He Just Won't Take Them Off!

    As an owner of a shoe company, I often have people taking extra long looks at my kid's shoes. I try to always have nice Soft Stars on their feet. This was a problem when Kahlil was little as he always kicked his shoes off and ran around barefoot no matter the conditions... 100 degrees on hot concrete or 35...
  2. Proverb: "The shomaker's children go barefoot"

    There's an old saying, "the children of the shoemaker go barefoot", meaning that the shoemaker is so busy making shoes for other people that his/her kids are neglected. This being back-to-school season, we elves have indeed been busy making classroom slippers as fast as our hands can sew. Six year old elf Tivi started school on Thursday without her front...
  3. Barefoot Running....errrr... Walking

    Soft Star has a growing contingent of barefoot runners knocking on our workshop door looking for footwear. Who are barefoot runners, you ask? Athletes who run either completely barefoot, or with some type of minimal shoe. Check out Donald's blog entry titled "The Barefoot Revolution" for a great overview (see his 8/27 post). Donald is an ultra-marathoner and journalist who...
  4. Workshop Postcards

    Workshop tours are part of the daily fun at Soft Star Shoes. We try to send our guests home with mementos or (at the least) leather scraps - but now we can offer another fun option - postcards home! If a visitor would like to send a Soft Star postcard to their favorite friend or family member - they just...
  5. New Neighbors - Musical Treats for Feet(s)!

    We have new neighbors!! Our workshop is on the upper floor of a 100 year old coffee warehouse. A fabulous music store (The Troubadour Music Center) recently moved in downstairs... so now we are treated to strains of violin, piano, flute, accordions, drums, harmonicas, guitars and even singing throughout the the day. They also have a workshop for instrument repair...
  6. Fourth of July Shoes

    We got a special request in to make some patriotic shoes for the upcoming holiday. Our newest elves - Hava and Sherilyn - took up this challenge and created these great little shoes. Sherilyn made these sweet little Roo moccasins - Royal in the front and Red in the back. The button is a special double star inlay and the...
  7. Soft Star at the Waldorf AWSNA Summer Conference

    We were luck in that the Associated Waldorf Schools of North America held their summer conference in Portland Oregon this year. Since Portland is just a hop and skip away, Soft Star decide to participate as a vendor. We had a great time introducing many teachers and administrators to Soft Star Shoes as well as putting faces to some of...

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