Trish has been an entrepreneur, marketer and maker ever since she crushed her first lemonade stand at age five. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, she spent many summers running barefoot with her sisters. These early memories later inspired her to build a brand which embraced the joy and freedom of childhood with the health and science of minimal footwear. Trish relishes evolving the company to grow stronger and more competitive with each passing year. She is a frequent expert panelist for both e-commerce and entrepreneurship conferences. Trish enjoys spending time with her family, dogs and ducks on their property in Oregon and loves the proximity to both surf and snow. She has a background in Engineering Physics and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

  1. Local Children Turn Scraps Into Art

    When Art Instructor Tonya Gaineystopped by looking for leather scraps - we had no idea what a treat she and her students had in store! Fifty-four students from local Corvallis-area schools poured their artistic energies into creating beautiful leather baskets like the one photographed here! The students participated from: Mountain View Elementary 2nd - 5th grade Hoover Elementary Kindergarten...
  2. Barefoot and Pregnant

    Only a couple more weeks? until the newest Soft Star elf will arrive! I spent today organizing all the teeny, tiny baby clothes in her/his dresser-- hard to believe someone can be so small. On top of the dresser we have the tiniest pair of little red Soft Star baby shoes-- the one and only pair of February clearance shoes...
  3. Since When is Formaldehyde Not Toxic!??

    Healthy feet are our passion at Soft Star - and one of the ways that is manifested is on our insistence of sourcing only formaldehyde-free leather. As this is no easy task and something unique about our shoes, I was surprised the other day to run across a claim of a major soft-shoe competitor's website that their shoes are made...
  4. The Barefoot Boy Changes His Mind

    Some of you may remember my post last fall when I talked about Kahlil's knack at kicking off his shoes. He was very skilled at losing the first shoe before I had even gotten the second shoe on. Well, that was then. This is now. Kahlil is a shoe wearer. He will chose a pair of shoes and bring them...
  5. Leather, Leather and MORE Leather!

    Hi - Elf DeAnn here! For the last 3 weeks I have been on a journey to clean, organize, sort, cut and determine the use of our leather inventory. We have over 46 in stock leather colors/types and several hides of each. There were big pieces, small pieces, beautiful pieces and some pretty homely pieces-- colors everywhere! Even though I...
  6. Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year from the Elves! Last fall we introduced a new all sheepskin boot called the Orion. We have had a lot of interest in the boot - but are curious as to how the boot performed for folks over time. We'll be sending a survey out to try and understand how we can improve future boot designs... if...
  7. Cute Boot Alert!

    We couldn't figure out why we were getting an increase in orders for our 'Lil Doggies this month... until my Sister-in-Law called me from Wisconsin and said "Hey - Congrats on being mentioned in Parents magazine!" Sure enough, there we were at the top of the Goody Bag in the December gift guide. Our little red and black cowboy booties...

Products 127 to 133 of 158 total
