Trish has been an entrepreneur, marketer and maker ever since she crushed her first lemonade stand at age five. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, she spent many summers running barefoot with her sisters. These early memories later inspired her to build a brand which embraced the joy and freedom of childhood with the health and science of minimal footwear. Trish relishes evolving the company to grow stronger and more competitive with each passing year. She is a frequent expert panelist for both e-commerce and entrepreneurship conferences. Trish enjoys spending time with her family, dogs and ducks on their property in Oregon and loves the proximity to both surf and snow. She has a background in Engineering Physics and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

  1. Such Determination...

    Here is 4 year old Tivi punching out little leather stars... lately this has become her favorite workshop activity. The mallet is as heavy as it looks. She has been handing the stars out to local customers. I love how completely absorbed and determined she is when doing this. (P.S. Don't worry - we won't actually put her to work...
  2. Sharing Diaper Wipes... And Other Stories

    This month MOM Magazine interviewed Larkin and I for a feature titled "When the Shoe Fits: Two Moms Step In as Soft Star Elves". The interview covered how we balance our families and work, helping each other with workplace child-rearing. This includes, but is not limited to sharing diaper wipes - new ones, of course! Click here to view the...
  3. These Boots Are Made for Walking...or Chewing on

    I have always been a HUGE fan of our 'Lil Doggie cowboy boots and was so excited to get Cruz his very own pair! They are so adorable and the elastic snugs around his ankle so he can't kick them off. Soft soled cowboy boots with sheepskin innersoles...mmmmmm! Cruz smiles when I put them on him-- so I guess he...
  4. Rain, Rain, Come our way...

    Here is my Father-in-Law (Chava) having just finished putting together our new rain boot display in our retail store. Being Oregonians - us elves stock up on puddle-stomping galoshes and decided to add some to our website. You can check them out along with our other new leather winter boots here. Chava is visiting us from El Paso and helping...
  5. Back to Work with Baby!

    Here we are trying to get back at work trying to get in the swing of things after a couple wonderful months of "babymooning". My son Cruz is nearly 4 months old and learning the ropes in the workshop, including snoozing through email time. Luckily the chair in the photo in is the old-fashioned kind with springs and we can...
  6. Color o' Crayons

    A few months ago I was talking to a customer on the phone. She was asking for more description of a leather color. It is pretty hard to describe colors in a way that is meaningful since it's such a visual attribute. You really just need to SEE it. And then she had a brilliant idea... tell people what crayon...
  7. Saddle Shoes at Soft Star

    Back in June we asked for your thoughts on Soft Star making a saddle shoe. The response was fantastic. THANK YOU for taking the time to tell us what you want from Soft Star. Based on your feedback, Soft Star is planning to introduce the saddle shoe this fall. A few items that came up in your comments.... Fringe is...

Products 113 to 119 of 158 total
