Trish has been an entrepreneur, marketer and maker ever since she crushed her first lemonade stand at age five. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, she spent many summers running barefoot with her sisters. These early memories later inspired her to build a brand which embraced the joy and freedom of childhood with the health and science of minimal footwear. Trish relishes evolving the company to grow stronger and more competitive with each passing year. She is a frequent expert panelist for both e-commerce and entrepreneurship conferences. Trish enjoys spending time with her family, dogs and ducks on their property in Oregon and loves the proximity to both surf and snow. She has a background in Engineering Physics and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

  1. Soft Star Running Experiment - Final Notes

    After wearing my Soft Stars exclusively to work/play in all of 2009, a few months ago I started to experiment with running in my "minimal" Soft Stars on the advice of our customers. After 4 months of trying out both moccasins and ramblers, I'm happy to have graduated to actual "running" a few miles at a time several times a...
  2. Video - Meet the Elves of Soft Star Shoes

    Happy (almost) New Years! We hope you enjoy our new video (click here) which shares our history, values and a window into our workshop. Wishing you a peaceful and joyous New Year with Family and Friends! Thank you for a wonderful 2009! Soft Star Shoes is a family friendly company located in Corvallis, Oregon. Viewpoints in this blog are those...
  3. Soft Star Airport Sighting

    It's a small world! I dropped my daughter Corinna off at the Portland airport yesterday and was startled to see a life-size advertisement in the elevator that featured a little girl wearing our Soft Star sandals. Sorry the photo's not so good - suffice it to say the feeling of happy surprise was very good. Soft Star Shoes is a...
  4. What is your vote?

    Soft Star fans have been requesting a more "boyish" option for their moccasins and shoes. Here are a few options we are considering - what is your vote? Plane - Rocket Ship - Car - Truck A big thanks to Caroline M. for the lovely car :-) Update: Thanks for the great comments! I certainly did not mean to offend...
  5. To Halloween and Beyond...

    To Halloween and Beyond...

    Halloween is fast approaching and I've been hard a work on our Toy Story themed costumes. The Buzz space boots have been done for a while and now the Woody cowboy boots are done too. I just hope the rest of the costumes can keep up with the amazing boots! And while the Buzz boots are crazy colors, Kahlil loves...
  6. Which comes first, the running or the fun?

    Like the proverbial chicken and the egg, is it the barefoot running that makes people happy, or are naturally happy people the type to experiment with barefoot running? Thanks to our friend Dalit for the heads up on this recent article in the New York Times: "Is Running Barefoot Better for You?". In a nutshell, the author, Gretchen Reynolds positions...
  7. Barefoot Walking - Update

    It has been 4 weeks since my last post where I shared my intent to try out barefoot walking. I decided to give it a try after talking with our many customers who are quite devoted to barefoot running - and who love Soft Star Shoes for when they "have" to wear shoes. My goal was to ease back into...

Products 71 to 77 of 158 total
