The happenings in the Soft Star workshop.

  1. Experiment in progress

    Our moccasins have sheepskin in them and we always get asked, "Isn't that too hot for summer?" Well, let's find out! Kahlil needed a new pair of moccasins, so I decided to do a little experiment. I had two pairs of mocs made... one with sheepskin and one without. He is going to wear one moc from each pair for...
  2. Pluto - we'll miss you!

    Weird, but true. Last week when the IAU announced that Pluto was being stripped of it's planetary status, we also sold the last pair of red "Plutos" from our clearance shoe sale. (The popular Pluto pictured here) It was my personal favorite of last season's lineup-- and the coincidence struck a strange note. Were we too hasty to pull Pluto...
  3. Need some inspiration?

    This week I set up a 'favorite DYO' page... our favorite shoes and moccasins designed by customers. Every so often we have a pair of shoes or mocs come through the shop that everybody just ohhs and ahhs over. We all want to hold them and look at them in good light. And then we started thinking, why not share...
  4. Survey Response Overwhelming!

    Thanks to all of our customers who took time last month to respond to our survey! We were overwhelmed with a response rate of over 70%!! In addition, many of you were very passionate, offering rich, detailed feedback in the open-ended comments. We literally have a "book" of comments that we have been pouring through, and really feel very honored...
  5. Cute Baby Shoes!

    One of the best parts of Soft Star Shoes is making the "Design Your Own" shoes-- it is so fun to see the neat ideas our customers have! I couldn't resist sharing this photo of one of my recent favorites-- a pair of mix-matched, smooth leather moccasins designed by a local customer for her new Grandson. No problems mixing up...
  6. Grandpa is Visiting!

    Tivi turned 3 this weekend-- and as a special treat, her Grandpa "Yoda" came up from Texas to visit. (Yes, our family is into odd nicknames.... more later.) Today he is here in the workshop helping finish shoes. Tim would normally not relinquish this task to just anyone , but Grandpa Yoda used to be an avid leather crafter. He...
  7. Being an Elf

    Hi , I'm Elf DeAnn, I came to Soft Star Shoes in Oct.2000. When I started we were in the old barn that is now an upcomming condo. We've come along way baby:). But, back to the barn. There was charm , cute little shoes and a very nice crew. This made for a very nice work environment, and then...

Products 295 to 301 of 305 total
