The happenings in the Soft Star workshop.

  1. Gordo is here!

    We were pretty excited last week when our new sewing machine, "Gordo", arrived. Every sewer in the shop has had rave reviews so far. As you can see, Leah is happily sewing away. Gordo, named after his girth, will take over the bulk of our heavy sewing... primarily sewing the shoe and moccasin uppers on to their soles. For those...
  2. Rainbow Shoes

    Last year we made Kahlil a pair of 'rainbow' moccasins... the right and left shoes had different colors on the fronts and backs. I thought they were great, others disagreed. When I came time to pick out our shoes for the 2007 line, the rainbow moc was the first on my list. Unfortunately they didn't make the cut for our...
  3. Barefoot and Pregnant

    Only a couple more weeks? until the newest Soft Star elf will arrive! I spent today organizing all the teeny, tiny baby clothes in her/his dresser-- hard to believe someone can be so small. On top of the dresser we have the tiniest pair of little red Soft Star baby shoes-- the one and only pair of February clearance shoes...
  4. Since When is Formaldehyde Not Toxic!??

    Healthy feet are our passion at Soft Star - and one of the ways that is manifested is on our insistence of sourcing only formaldehyde-free leather. As this is no easy task and something unique about our shoes, I was surprised the other day to run across a claim of a major soft-shoe competitor's website that their shoes are made...
  5. The Barefoot Boy Changes His Mind

    Some of you may remember my post last fall when I talked about Kahlil's knack at kicking off his shoes. He was very skilled at losing the first shoe before I had even gotten the second shoe on. Well, that was then. This is now. Kahlil is a shoe wearer. He will chose a pair of shoes and bring them...
  6. Leather, Leather and MORE Leather!

    Hi - Elf DeAnn here! For the last 3 weeks I have been on a journey to clean, organize, sort, cut and determine the use of our leather inventory. We have over 46 in stock leather colors/types and several hides of each. There were big pieces, small pieces, beautiful pieces and some pretty homely pieces-- colors everywhere! Even though I...
  7. Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year from the Elves! Last fall we introduced a new all sheepskin boot called the Orion. We have had a lot of interest in the boot - but are curious as to how the boot performed for folks over time. We'll be sending a survey out to try and understand how we can improve future boot designs... if...

Products 281 to 287 of 305 total
