1. Color o' Crayons

    A few months ago I was talking to a customer on the phone. She was asking for more description of a leather color. It is pretty hard to describe colors in a way that is meaningful since it's such a visual attribute. You really just need to SEE it. And then she had a brilliant idea... tell people what crayon...
  2. Saddle Shoes at Soft Star

    Back in June we asked for your thoughts on Soft Star making a saddle shoe. The response was fantastic. THANK YOU for taking the time to tell us what you want from Soft Star. Based on your feedback, Soft Star is planning to introduce the saddle shoe this fall. A few items that came up in your comments.... Fringe is...
  3. Mary Janes under Construction

    By popular reqeust, we hope to introduce a fun, new Mary Jane style by the end of this month. We have been prototyping a couple different designs on our own kids for comfort/fit and have the basic patterns ready, but would love some input on the finishing touches. If you feel like sticking your finger in the design process, please...
  4. Survey Response Overwhelming!

    Thanks to all of our customers who took time last month to respond to our survey! We were overwhelmed with a response rate of over 70%!! In addition, many of you were very passionate, offering rich, detailed feedback in the open-ended comments. We literally have a "book" of comments that we have been pouring through, and really feel very honored...
  5. Waterproof Mocs?

    There has been a lot of excitement lately about two new moccasin styles we just introduced: The Rugged Roo and the Taz. Both moccasins feature our new T-Rex soling - a rubberized, water resistant material. The Taz has the added feature of extra T-Rex on the toes and heels. We've been asked a couple of times over the past week...

Products 8 to 12 of 12 total
