1. Barefoot in Bukit Timha

    I recently had the opportunity to hike to the highest peak in Singapore... Bukit Timha Summit. To get out and experience nature in Singapore, my family spent a day hiking around the Bukit Timha Nature Preserve that makes up a large portion of this island nation. I was proud that all four of us donned Soft Stars... kids in Ramblers...
  2. Barefoot and Pregnant

    Only a couple more weeks? until the newest Soft Star elf will arrive! I spent today organizing all the teeny, tiny baby clothes in her/his dresser-- hard to believe someone can be so small. On top of the dresser we have the tiniest pair of little red Soft Star baby shoes-- the one and only pair of February clearance shoes...
  3. The Barefoot Boy Changes His Mind

    Some of you may remember my post last fall when I talked about Kahlil's knack at kicking off his shoes. He was very skilled at losing the first shoe before I had even gotten the second shoe on. Well, that was then. This is now. Kahlil is a shoe wearer. He will chose a pair of shoes and bring them...
  4. Keeping baby shoes ON!

    Kahlil has posed quite a challenge. I meet new people and they ask what I do. I tell them I make baby shoes they smile and glance at Kahlil's feet. At this point their eyebrows raise since they can't help but notice my son is barefoot. Of course there is nothing wrong with being barefoot - in fact barefoot like...
  5. Back to School Shoes! Give Your Child a Healthy Start

    Those lazy, barefoot summer days are coming to an end—time to shop for those back-to-school shoes. No doubt your kids feet have grown quite a bit (again), but getting a larger shoe should be just part of your checklist. Leading children’s podiatrists agree that choosing the proper footwear for your kids is a decision that will impact the lifelong health...
  6. Is Barefoot Better?

    Last week a great article came out in the Wall Street Journal about barefoot runners. It covered the growing base of people who content that modern day shoes with their over-designed soling and arch supports are actually creating "lazy" or comparatively "weak" feet. While this article is cashing in on the sensationalism of "extreme" barefoot enthusiasts -- (Those who run...

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