Martin is a lifelong runner who began wearing minimalist shoes over 10 years ago when he found they alleviated his chronic foot pain, which eventually disappeared completely. He further studied proper running form through a series of workshops taught by Correct Toes inventor, Dr. Ray McClanahan DPM. Martin has collaborated with several health care professionals to collect and share peer-reviewed studies that show the benefits of minimalist footwear. In his personal life, Martin loves living in the Pacific Northwest because it allows him to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities year-round, including hiking, cycling, rock climbing, surfing and snowboarding.

  1. Dealing with Swelling Feet as You Get Older? Learn the Causes and Natural Treatments

    Dealing with Swelling Feet as You Get Older? Learn the Causes and Natural Treatments

    Have you noticed that your feet and ankles tend to swell more often as the years go by? If so, then you're not alone. While anybody can develop a swollen foot or two, regardless of age, it tends to happen more frequently with older adults. Causes So what's going on when feet swell? Technically speaking, swelling happens when fluid in the blood escapes...
  2. Progress Update on New Soft Star Workshop - August 2016

    Progress Update on New Soft Star Workshop - August 2016

    We're happy to announce that construction on the new Soft Star workshop is right on schedule! Last weekend, owners Tricia and Larkin hosted the first annual Soft Star staff picnic at Mary's River Park, located only a couple blocks from the new shop in Philomath, Oregon (about 6 miles west of our current Corvallis, workshop). Although we're leaving our scenic...
  3. Chukkas on Trails! Emily and Will Put Their Softstars to the Test

    Chukkas on Trails! Emily and Will Put Their Softstars to the Test

    If you're an outdoor enthusiast, like many of our shoemaking elves, then western Oregon is a giant playground. We consider ourselves very fortunate to be within easy reach of mountains, oceans, rivers and moss-ridden forests that look like they belong in Middle Earth. Our location offers us a wealth of outdoor activities, including skiing, snowboarding, surfing, rock climbing, kayaking, camping, hang gliding...
  4. Walking 101: How to Walk Barefoot (or in Minimal Shoes)

    Walking 101: How to Walk Barefoot (or in Minimal Shoes)

    I know, the title of this post may sound condescending. After all, you probably have a lot of experience walking—several decades, even. But bear with me, because even though I’ve been walking since the late 1970s I recently learned I wasn’t pulling it off as well as I thought. I had the honor a couple years ago to take a series of...
  5. Spring 2016 Playday at the Soft Star Workshop

    Spring 2016 Playday at the Soft Star Workshop

      It's that time again! Once or twice a year, we set aside a day to pause our serious work and let our staff delve into the creative projects of their choosing. The projects don't have be related to shoes in any way (though often they are, just because that's what we like) and our staff is allowed to use any of the...
  6. Outdoor Adventure GIVEAWAY! Win $1000 of Gear from REI and Softstar Shoes

    Outdoor Adventure GIVEAWAY! Win $1000 of Gear from REI and Softstar Shoes

    UPDATE: Congratulations to Tanya from Orient, Ohio! She was randomly selected as the grand prize winner of this contest. Be sure you're subscribed to our email newsletter to learn about future giveaways! Okay summer adventurers, we have a super special treat for you this month! We're all about encouraging people to get active and get back to nature, and we want to...
  7. Flashback: Softstar Shoes Takes 1985 by Storm

    Flashback: Softstar Shoes Takes 1985 by Storm

    Ready for a little trip back to the days of jean jackets, Rubik's cubes and Max Headroom? Crank your DeLorean up to 88, because here we go ... Softstar founder Tim Oliver recently came to me holding an overflowing folder he found while cleaning his house. "You can have these if you think they're interesting," he said, squares of yellowed paper fluttering...

Products 57 to 63 of 250 total
