1. New Elf on the Way... Guess the Name for a $50 Gift Card!

    New Elf on the Way... Guess the Name for a $50 Gift Card!

    Updated 8/24/12: WE HAVE A NEW ELF!!! Guessing for the baby name is officially over. And the winner is... Shel! Congratulations to Phoebe, Joel & Nancy—the three winners who correctly guessed his name. Each of them received a $50 Softstar gift certificate. Thanks to everyone who participated and gave Shel such a grand welcome! Mother and son are doing great...
  2. The Other Extreme

    The Other Extreme

    A few weeks ago, we posted a photo showing one of the largest shoes ever made in the Soft Star workshop. This week, we found ourselves at the other extreme—making shoes for extremely small (and new) footsies. The baby shoes on our website normally start at size 3, which we’ve found to be a good value for newborns. A size 3 is usually a...
  3. Happy Birthday Dash!

    Happy Birthday Dash!

    It has now been one whole year since we released our Dash RunAmoc. The elves celebrated the event by looking back at the history and evolution of the Dash model. Way back in the early 2010s, Soft Star released what is now known as the Original RunAmoc. At that time, nobody in all of elfdom had any idea how popular...
  4. Record Challenged!

    Record Challenged!

    For many years now, the largest shoe ever built by the Soft Star elves has been a custom-made adult size 16. Today, we completed an order for a size 15.5 Rambler. The finished product fell just a tad short of breaking the record, but it was still the largest shoe seen by most of the young elves in our workshop...
  5. Who is Mary Jane?

    Who is Mary Jane?

    The term "Mary Jane" is commonly used to describe a particular style of women’s footwear, but have you ever wondered how this shoe received its name? We found the answer: In 1902, cartoonist Richard Oucault created a comic strip called Buster Brown, which quickly became very popular. The comic portrayed the antics of Buster Brown, a troublesome young boy, and...
  6. Mary Jane Update!

    Mary Jane Update!

    Here is another glimpse at our new Mary Jane shoe! This week in the workshop we finished making our sample Mary Jane. Before we send our patterns off to our die maker, we need to make the shoe's pattern in every size is perfect. Speaking of sizes, we are happy to announce we will offer the Mary Jane in women...

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