Softstar Blog
Treating Bunions Without Surgery: Easier Than You Think
Treating Bunions Without Surgery: Easier Than You Think
How Fast Do Kids' Feet Grow?
How Fast Do Kids' Feet Grow?
Why Do Shoes Smell, and What Can You Do About It?
Why Do Shoes Smell, and What Can You Do About It?

Recent Posts

  1. Pluto - we'll miss you!

    Weird, but true. Last week when the IAU announced that Pluto was being stripped of it's planetary status, we also sold the last pair of red "Plutos" from our clearance shoe sale. (The popular Pluto pictured here) It was my personal favorite of last season's lineup-- and the coincidence struck a strange note. Were we too hasty to pull Pluto...
  2. Need some inspiration?

    This week I set up a 'favorite DYO' page... our favorite shoes and moccasins designed by customers. Every so often we have a pair of shoes or mocs come through the shop that everybody just ohhs and ahhs over. We all want to hold them and look at them in good light. And then we started thinking, why not share...
  3. Every Shoe Tells a Story

    This week the National Geographic magazine published a story by Cathy Newman: "Every Shoe Tells a Story". The article spans the most extreme luxury Manolo Blahnik heels to the most primitive fiber-woven sandals found in Oregon from 8500BC. (It was nice to see that Oregon was always a mecca for shoe-making -- they found hundreds of pairs stacked in the...
  4. Soft Star Soles

    You may feel lucky when you put on a pair of comfortable shoes, but the Soft Star crew think comfort is no accident. We have spent years searching for the right soles to go on our shoes and moccasins. We believe soft soles not only feel good, but they are also good for you! Our feet are complex structures, with...
  5. Back to School Shoes! Give Your Child a Healthy Start

    Those lazy, barefoot summer days are coming to an end—time to shop for those back-to-school shoes. No doubt your kids feet have grown quite a bit (again), but getting a larger shoe should be just part of your checklist. Leading children’s podiatrists agree that choosing the proper footwear for your kids is a decision that will impact the lifelong health...
  6. Survey Response Overwhelming!

    Thanks to all of our customers who took time last month to respond to our survey! We were overwhelmed with a response rate of over 70%!! In addition, many of you were very passionate, offering rich, detailed feedback in the open-ended comments. We literally have a "book" of comments that we have been pouring through, and really feel very honored...
  7. Cute Baby Shoes!

    One of the best parts of Soft Star Shoes is making the "Design Your Own" shoes-- it is so fun to see the neat ideas our customers have! I couldn't resist sharing this photo of one of my recent favorites-- a pair of mix-matched, smooth leather moccasins designed by a local customer for her new Grandson. No problems mixing up...

Products 547 to 553 of 561 total
