1. Customer Profile: Eco-Runner

    We have very cool customers at Soft Star Shoes - but some are simply off the scale. Meet Sam Huber - founder, editor and on-the-move promoter of "Eco Runner". Since 2007 Sam has been promoting the concept of combining recreational running with collecting litter along the way. Simple, right? But he goes way beyond his philosophy of personal responsibility by...
  2. What happened to Minimal Packaging?

    Soft Star has always had an option for customers to choose"minimal packaging" as part of their checkout process on the Internet. This meant that instead of having your shoes packed in a branded Soft Star gift box AND a mailing box, your shoes would simply be put directly in the mailing box (like this picture). In both examples, if there...
  3. Reducing our Environmental Footprint

    The Elves got this certificate in the mail this week. It made us feel good about participating in the Blue Sky program offered through Pacific Power. According to this certificate, we kept over 3.5 tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere last year. YEA!!! Soft Star Shoes is a family friendly company located in Corvallis, Oregon. Viewpoints...
  4. The Elves want to go green(er)!

    This week we had Julie from Allied Waste come talk to us about recycling. Julie was impressed with our shop... everything from using reusable cups/plates to us sorting our recycling. We had a handful of items we asked her about... can colored paper go in 'office' recycling? Or should it go in co-mingled? (It can go in 'office' if it's...
  5. Biking with Coffee

    We recently added a new benefit at Soft Star Shoes where we provide employees who use bicycle transportation a monthly bike maintenance allowance. I have always been impressed with how dedicated Hava is to biking to work each day, but yesterday she really surprised me when I saw her pull up with a full cup of steaming hot coffee snapped...
  6. LED Lighting for the Workshop?

    Today we started our trial of new LED lighting trial... and we are so far, pleasantly surprised! We swapped out the fluorescent tubes above our finishing table with 2 high power LED tubes, one "warm" and one "cool"... and the resulting work light was a bright natural color and incredibly bright work table. LED lighting uses very little power in...
  7. 100% Solar & Wind Powered!

    Soft Star Shoes is now proudly 100% powered by solar and wind! Actually, we have been for a full 5 months now - but it has taken me a while to get around to writing this blog entry. I got a little nudge to write it this week when an EPA report was issued ranking our little town of Corvallis...

Products 8 to 14 of 15 total
