1. Can't Wait to meet Tester #6

    Any minute now.... !! Larkin and her Mom, Ettie stopped by the shop today ... and maybe Tester #6 will be introducing himself later today?? Larkinis anxious for labor to start -and with her slow gait today and far-off look in her eyes, the Elves are betting that tonight might be the night. Larkin and Jay have not revealed the...
  2. Adventures in New Zealand with my Soft Star Shoes

    These shoes are made for travelin’ Soft Star Shoes has a long legacy of Soft Star babies, but about 25 years ago I held the title as "The First Soft Star baby". Mom and Dad set up shop in our Southern California garage and became shoemakers as I scooted around in my soft leather shoes. As time passed I moved...
  3. The Soft Star Family is Growing

    Yep... the youngest elf is on the way. I can only be found in the Soft Star shop through next week, then it's time to wait for the little guy to make his appearance. At Soft Star we are looking forward to having a new elf tester :-) And personally I can't wait to try our new Woolieson him! Soft...
  4. Our Favorite Valentines

    Just had to share our favorite valentines!! Kahlil (2yrs) and Tivi (4 yrs) proudly delivered these yesterday to their respective Moms here at Soft Star. Kahlil might have had a little help cutting out his hearts (left) but his decision to cover himself head to toes with glue and glitter was done all on his own. "I'm a heart!!!" he...
  5. Keep Baby Toes Warm with Woolies

    One of the great things about having young children and babies while working at Soft Star is that we can make the shoes we wish we could buy. That is the initial reason for the launch of the Mary Jane and Saddle Shoe styles in the last couple years. And now we (the Elves at Soft Star) want a new...
  6. Snow Tested - Mom Approved

    Tivi's new fully-lined sheepskin Phoenix boots were put to test this winter. In addition to visiting family in Wisconsin and Colorado, even rain-bound Oregon is getting a good share of snow this year! After 5 months, 43 sled rides, 6 snowmen and 3 forts, I can confidently say our new boot design is FANTASTIC at keeping feet dry and warm...
  7. Tractor Boots

    As a two year old boy, there are few things as important as tractors. Sure, dogs and ice cream have their place, but really tractors are what make your day. Sometimes trains are cool too. For Kahlil's birthday, and to thank him for being a willing shoe tester, DeAnn made him a special pair of tractor boots. He has been...

Products 15 to 21 of 35 total
