HTM Elf Benjamin has been a graphic and web designer for 15+ years and came to Softstar in 2021. He made the switch to zero-drop shoes in 2016 after years of arch pain from running in conventional footwear, and hasn't looked back. He has an art degree from Portland State University and enjoys minimalist shoes for hiking and gardening.

  1. Ethical Shoes: Leather vs. Plastic

    Ethical Shoes: Leather vs. Plastic

    Leather has been used to make shoes for at least 5,500 years and is still one of the most common shoe materials. Does leather make for more ethical shoes compared to those made from fossil fuels?
  2. Five Criteria to Help Choose Barefoot Shoes

    Five Criteria to Help Choose Barefoot Shoes

    Many shoes on the market claim to be minimal, but not all are barefoot-friendly. Here are a five criteria to help choose barefoot shoes.

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