1. Exercises for Happy Feet

    Coleen Schwartz is a certified Pilate's instructor with a passion for healthy feet. In addition to her doctorate in Podiatric medicine, she does national lectures with the medical community about the use of Pilate's in rehabilitating feet. This week NPR produced an excellent short video with Coleen on stretches and strengthening exercises for your feet. Updated 11/17/14: Unfortunately, the NPR...
  2. The Barefoot Debate

     New York Magazine published a fabulous article this week by Adam Sternbergh. It is an entertaining and interesting read about the role of shoes in our culture and how it impacts our health -- both good and bad. Featured on NPR as well, it has raised some lively discussions. Click here to read the article. By the way - it...
  3. Soft Star Soles

    You may feel lucky when you put on a pair of comfortable shoes, but the Soft Star crew think comfort is no accident. We have spent years searching for the right soles to go on our shoes and moccasins. We believe soft soles not only feel good, but they are also good for you! Our feet are complex structures, with...
  4. Back to School Shoes! Give Your Child a Healthy Start

    Those lazy, barefoot summer days are coming to an end—time to shop for those back-to-school shoes. No doubt your kids feet have grown quite a bit (again), but getting a larger shoe should be just part of your checklist. Leading children’s podiatrists agree that choosing the proper footwear for your kids is a decision that will impact the lifelong health...
  5. Is Barefoot Better?

    Last week a great article came out in the Wall Street Journal about barefoot runners. It covered the growing base of people who content that modern day shoes with their over-designed soling and arch supports are actually creating "lazy" or comparatively "weak" feet. While this article is cashing in on the sensationalism of "extreme" barefoot enthusiasts -- (Those who run...

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