
Softstar Videos

Enjoy some of our favorite videos about the Softstar workshop, our handcrafted shoes and fun experiences we've had over the years.

Please consider subscribing to our Youtube channel to see the latest Softstar videos when they become available:

More short videos can be found on Softstar's Facebook page.

The Softstar Workshop

About Softstar Shoes

A Peek in the Workshop

Moving Day!

Roof Raising Extravaganza

Maker's Wild Profile: Softstar Shoes

How to Make Barefoot Shoes

Softstar's Handcrafted Shoes

Wherever You Are, Softstar

Primal RunAmocs Tested on Trails

How Light are Primal Sawyer Shoes?

Priml Merry Jane Sizing Tips

Solstice Sizing Tips

Fun Stuff

Jolt! Electrotherapy Shoes
(April Fool's Product)

Hover Shoes
(April Fool's Product)

Mike Friton: Veteran Shoe Designer

School Carolers Visit Softstar

25th Anniversary Videos